V Open de Portugal BR50


No atual contexto sanitário, e de emergência, devido à pandemia da COVID-19, a organização vê-se obrigada a cancelar o V Open de Portugal.

Todos os atiradores que já pagaram as suas inscrições deverão entrar em contacto com a FPT (fptiro@fptiro.net), para serem ressarcidos.


In the current health, and emergency context, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization is forced to cancel the V Open de Portugal.

All shooters who have already paid for their registration must contact the FPT (fptiro@fptiro.net), to be reimbursed.

General Informations
Informações Gerais
Entry Form
Firearms Form


Friday 10th July – Free practice/weapons control 12:00 – 18:00

Saturday 11th July – Weapons control/6 relays 08:00 – 18:00

Sunday 12th July – Weapons control/3 relays 08:00 – 13:00

Sunday 12th July – Award ceremony 14:30 – 15:00

Targets and rules by WRABF, relays of 20 minutes at 50M.